Captain Mail Proves the Best Things Come in Small Packages
By: Julee
When was the last time you had something to look forward to? Our kids seem to be missing this fun element of surprise in life. That’s why Captain Mail has been quickly garnering the affections of parents everywhere with a fun solution that doesn’t have them staring at a screen.
What is Captain Mail?
While it might just seem like an ordinary educational newsletter, Captain Mail does something extraordinary. Designed for kids ages 5 to 10, it arrives by mail each week with a bounty of new and exciting topics. It’s personalized too, so kids get the feeling that it is designed just for them.
Topics range from things like the solar system to gems to recycling. Each week, kids get something new to learn the old-fashioned way without devices. There’s a section of content, word of the week, questions to learn from, and activities like word searches, mazes, and coloring. It’s hands-on approach parents are excited about, one that gives kids something to do in the very literal sense. Each weekly mailing also includes a 3D papercraft toy that correlates with the topic. Your kids get to read all about something new and then further cement that new knowledge in action.

Why Parents Are Loving Captain Mail
At a first glance, it looks like any letter and papercraft. But once your child opens up that first letter addressed personally to them, you’ll see it’s so much more. Living up to its tagline of “Sparking Kids’ Intellectual Curiosity,” you’ll watch their eyes light up when they see it come in with the mail.
It has some wonderful benefits that you’ll notice right away with that first Captain Mail letter.
– It creates healthy learning and play experiences
How many times do we hand a tablet over to our kids and tell them to play some games? Or even if you’re among the parents that tell their kids to go read a book, how many kids actually pick up that book? With Captain Mail, kids break away from the screen and have an enticing activity. It gets them hooked to read more and to make the craft.
We should all be alarmed at how much screen time impacts our children. The more your child watches TV or idly plays on tablets and other devices, the worse their progress will be in a variety of areas. Problem-solving, communication skills, and social interaction notably suffer the most when kids don’t find healthy ways to learn and play.
– It provides fun content that stimulates the mind
While reading books is a great way for kids to learn, Captain Mail goes beyond that by providing reading AND something to do. That activity comes in a 3D papercraft that relates to that week’s reading material. So the lesson doesn’t just go in one ear and out the other. It stays in their mind because the craft helps them have fun and retain it.
– Great for focus
Captain Mail is carefully curated for children ages 5 to 10 to detail exciting topics in a way that kids can relate to. That 3D craft is fun for all ages as it helps older children improve focus while younger ones can fine-tune those fine motor skills.
Bonus: It Creates Bonding for the Whole Family
When our kids are excited about something, they want to tell everyone. At dinner, you’ll watch your kids become animated about what they learned in their weekly Captain Mail newsletter. They’re proud to show off their papercraft too. All in all, Captain Mail is a brilliant solution for parents and kids. It nurtures the need for learning and fun in one personalized newsletter, something your child will check the mailbox for daily until it arrives.